Budhakhol Buddhist Cave, Odisha

Budhakhol Buddhist Cave, Odisha
Khainchapada, Buguda block,
Ganjam District,
Odisha 761105
Budhakhol is a heritage site of Odisha located in Buguda block of Ganjam District in Odisha, India. It is located about 92 km away from the district headquarters. About 70 km away from Berhampur, on the top of a hill, near Buguda, Budhakhol is a scenic spot with caves, waterfalls, green canopy and remains of Buddhism. The name Budhakhol is derived from Buddha and Khol means Caves. There are two caves still present which were being used then by the Monks to meditate. Sidhha Gumpha and Dyana Gumpha as they called it. Apart from the caves as a meditation place for the Monks, there are statues of Buddha which are being worshiped now as Buddheswar.
Puranic Significance
Budhakhol is widely known for its Buddhist culture. A number of Buddhist remains found at the place which gives the impression about Buddhist settlement at the place. One of which are Siddha Gumpha where the Buddhist monks are used to stay and meditate. Another cave named Dayana is also present on the main hills.
The place and the caves were a major site of Buddhism learning. Even Lord Buddha is said to have stayed here. The Chinese traveler Huensang too had come to this place to learn Buddhism during his 17 years stay in India during 6th CE. It is said that the King of Bhanjanagar had constructed the temples later and worship of Buddheswar had started. One family of priest was brought from Puri to worship Lord Buddheswar. Now the family has grown to forty families engaged in daily rituals at the temple as well as another temple called Kuberaswar(another Buddhist site) near Buddhakhol. Recently a Hanuam statue has been erected at the bottom of the hill and the Statues of Shiva Parbati has been donated by Ipsita Pati, an odiya actress.

6th Century CE
Managed By
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI)
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